大隨求護身符     佛經助印流通處    牟尼佛法流通網   

“All accords with your wish” Dharani Amulet (Mantra Wheel Pack)

大隨求護身符 - 古今中外最極殊勝,諸佛加持龍天護佑。
The “all accords with your wish” amulet is most supreme in ancient and modern times, in China and abroad. The wearer is blessed by all Buddhas and protected by dragons and devas.

“All accords with your wish” Dharani Amulet (Mantra Wheel Pack)


The Sutra of “All accords with your wish” Dharani says:
"If this “All accords with your wish” dharani is copied in accord with Dharma and tied around the arm or worn as a necklace, one should know that such a wearer is blessed by all Tathagatas. He is identical with the bodies of all Tathagatas, and has the body of solid vajra and the Treasury of all Tathagathas. He is the eye and the luminous bright body of all Tathagathas. This person puts on indestructible armour and can extinguish all grievances. He can burn up all karmic obstructions and purify the path of Hell.”


“If a person wears this dharani on his body, he is blessed and protected by all Tathagatas and remembered and protected by all Bodhisattvas. All humans, devas, kings, princes, ministers, and brahmans respectfully bow and carry out his undertakings at all times. All devas, dragons, asuras, garudas, and kinnaras, mahoragas, humans and non-humans etc make offerings to him. The eightfold division of devas and dragons say, “This person is a great hero.” The Tathagata reiterates, “This good man or good woman can destroy all demonic obstacles and is free from all diseases. He can avoid all calamities and extinguish all his afflictions and is constantly guarded and protected by all devas and dragons."

牟尼佛法流通網製作加持流通的 大隨求護身符(咒輪包)內,除了有極為殊勝的梵文「大隨求陀羅尼」之外,還有:
In this mantra wheel package made, blessed and circulated by the Shakyamuni Buddha Dharma circulation website, in addition to the supreme “all accords with your wish” dharani in sanskrit, there are also:

Surangama Mantra Wheel (Ancient Sanskrit of the Ashoka Period)

Vijaya Mantra Wheel

Fundamental Dharani of the Buddha of Limitless Life. Om mani padme hum.

Secret Whole Body Relic Treasure Mind Seal of all Tathagatas Dharani Mantra Wheel

Great Treasure Expansive Pavilion of Good Dwelling Secret Dharani Mantra Wheel

True words of Mantra of Light Wheel

Golden Luminous Sand

These dharma treasures of eight supreme dharanis in Sanskrit can be said to be a collation of all the most supreme dharanis in the Tripitaka, and can enable the wearer to extinguish calamities, avoid disasters, and increase blessings and wisdom.

In addition, the "all accords to your wish" amulet produced and circulated by the Shakyamuni Buddha Dharma Circulation website has been blessed with special consecration. Each amulet has the compassionate protection of multitudinous Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas and the devas and dragons of the eightfold division, and has great efficacy and inconceivable merit and virtue.

This supreme "all accords with your wish" amulet which protects and blesses the wearer is distributed to the public free of charge. It is not limited to Taiwan but also to overseas as well. For those who want to obtain it, please email:

dakuan00@gmail.com  釋大寬法師
dakuan00@gmail.com  Venerable Shi Dakuan

Please write down your name and address, and we will mail it to you accordingly.

不過,因為「大隨求護身符」的製作過程非常繁瑣,需要耗費許多的人力、物力、以及時間,無法大量製作,因此原則上一位佛子限索取一個! 為家人親屬索取者,請註明數量,我們會根據
However, because the production process of "all accords with your wish" amulet is very cumbersome and consumes a lot of manpower, material resources and time, it cannot be produced in large quantities. Therefore, in principle, a devotee can only request one per person! If you are requesting on behalf of your family members, please indicate the number of members and we will give you accordingly to your stated figure.

The amulet will be mailed to you according to our available stock.

祝福大家 平安吉祥 福慧圓滿
Wishing everyone peace and auspiciousness, blessings and wisdom.

牟尼佛法流通網 釋大寬法師 合十
With metta,
Venerable Shi Dakuan
Dharma circulation website of Shakyamuni Buddha



mantra 大隨求護身符




Amita Buddha 阿彌陀佛








勤修清淨波羅蜜  恆不忘失菩提心 

滅除障垢無有餘  一切妙行皆成就

華嚴聖因精舍 釋大寬 比丘 合十

地址Address : 台北市信義區吳興街122號

電話Tel: 886(國碼)–2(區碼)- 23775886

牟尼佛法流通網  http://www.muni-buddha.com.tw/

釋大寬法師佛法問答 http://www.muni-buddha.com.tw/dakuanQA/